Use "dislike|disliked|dislikes|disliking" in a sentence

1. Last night, someone dislike Botted my game with 2k dislikes

2. There are two ways of disliking art. One is to dislike it. The other is to like it rationally. Oscar Wilde 

3. No leader dislikes kickback.

4. She dislikes snobs intensely.

5. She disliked his involvement with the group and disliked his friends.

6. She dislikes to eat goose.

7. Definition of Anticlerical (adjective): disliking priests and churches

8. The little girl dislikes her fussy parents.

9. 15 Tom dislikes vapid food.

10. She disliked him intensely.

11. He disliked Kate intensely.

12. He likes cats but dislikes dogs.

13. He manifests qualities and feelings, likes and dislikes.

14. She disliked her boss intensely.

15. The new teacher was universally disliked.

16. (noun) An example of Bigotry is disliking peop

17. Hitler was not alone in disliking Halder's plan.

18. 14 Dislike the woman of big voice, dislike abuzz environment, dislike the voice of surroundings everything!

19. Jo disliked him on sight.

20. She dislikes the disconnected ramblings of the old man.

21. He grumbled out his reasons from disliking the arrangement.

22. I disliked him for his arrogance.

23. That man was disliked inside the college.

24. His behavior was such that everyone disliked him.

25. I disliked the implied criticism in his voice.

26. She dislikes you to disturb her so often.

27. Nobody wants to be disliked, rejected.

28. That gentleman disliked coarseness and profanity.

29. Abhorring: to dislike strongly.

30. I dislike to impose.

31. I dislike her frivolity.

32. We dislike scolding voices.

33. Most women dislike being ogled .

34. I dislike his arrogant demeanour.

35. And I suspect, by someone who actively dislikes us.

36. If he dislikes you, everything you do is wrong.

37. She strongly disliked being spoken to like that.

38. The pupils disliked the extension of the term.

39. What he disliked most of all was its tyranny.

40. He disliked synagogues and Zionism with about equal intensity.

41. The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.

42. Definition of Anglophobe (noun): someone who strongly dislikes UK

43. Abominating: to dislike strongly.

44. I disliked her from the very beginning.

45. I dislike his pompous demeanor.

46. If he dislikes one monarch, he conspires to crown the next one.

47. They disliked him only because he was invertebrate.

48. She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.

49. She made several disparaging remarks about the manager she dislikes.

50. He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance.

51. On a personal level, they came to be cordially disliked.

52. Everyone dislikes him because he is always flaunting his seniority.

53. Nixon was reluctant to work on divorce cases, disliking frank sexual talk from women.

54. Students who disliked her style often felt alienated.

55. Everybody disliked him because of his hot temper.

56. I disliked the arrogant cast to her mouth.

57. 12 I disliked the implied criticism in his voice.

58. I got the distinct impression that you disliked her.

59. She strongly dislikes Jack, even though he saved her daughter's life.

60. 4 Most women dislike being ogled .

61. We dislike people such as him.

62. She pursed her lips with dislike.

63. But I can relate to disliking changes to UI and Crosshairs in games

64. I conquered my dislike for mathematics.

65. Her dislike for Dick was intense.

66. She regarded dressmaking with great dislike.

67. I dislike being the centre of attention.

68. I took an instant dislike to him.

69. Aversion: A fixed, intense dislike; repugnance

70. 2 Many teachers dislike insubordinate children.

71. She disliked his sly ways, but granted him certain vulpine intelligence.

72. 18 As a colony, the Near East disliked its masters.

73. Averse: adjective adverse , alienus , antagonistic , disinclined , disliking , hostile , inimical , loath , opposed , reluctant , repelled , revolted , undesirous

74. Abomination definition, anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred

75. He disliked anything that was out of the ordinary.

76. 1 I disliked the implied criticism in his voice.

77. He hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius.

78. Men that I've also deeply disliked, for many, many years.

79. He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.

80. Bedford disliked Halsey the minute he set eyes on him.